First Annual DSARCW Holiday Party!

It's been a while, but I've finally got up all the pics from the Holiday Party. Everyone had such a great time, and even Santa was able to stop by for pictures. Thank you Santa!



Here are a few pics from our annual BBQ yesterday. Thank you all for coming and a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to Mary and Scott Williams for hosting it and to Guy and Mary Faulkner for donating the much loved Bouncer!! Everyone had such a great time!


Happy Mother's Day!

Thanks to all the Moms that came out for our Mother's Day Lunch at Mimi's Cafe! We had a great time and look forward to the next event. From L to R- Susie, Mary, Maryann, Veronica, me (Lindsey), Isabel, and Patty.



Happy World Down Syndrome Day!

Down Syndrome International (DSI) has officially earmarked 21 March as World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD). The date was chosen to signify the uniqueness of Down syndrome in the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome and is used synonymously with Down syndrome.

This year the theme for 21 March 2007 is "Celebrating Diversity", to continue creating awareness about Down syndrome and promote acceptance of diversity.

Please join us as we CELEBRATE the lives of those with Down Syndrome and the light they bring into our lives.



Thank you to everyone who was able to come out to support DSARCW at the Festival of Friendship for Best Buddies on Sunday. We had a big turn out and everyone had such a GREAT time!



Our first DSARCW Playdate was a huge success! Thank you for all the families who were able to attend, and we hope many more will be able to in the future. Here are some pics of our teriffic day!


Drug may treat mental symptoms of Down syndrome

There is new and exciting news in the Down Syndrome research world. A study has been posted in an online pre-publication from Nature Neuroscience Website: "Pharmacotherapy for cognitive impairment in a mouse model of Down
syndrome" regarding a very exciting study on a drug that has shown to improve cognitive abilities in Down Syndrome mouse models. They are still waiting for clinical studies on humans, but the strides in Down Syndrome research are becoming more hopeful and exciting!

Here is another link to an full article in Scientific American

Scientific American: Drug May Counteract Down Syndrome
Formerly approved drug imparts lasting learning and memory improvements to impaired mice

and an article from Yahoo News

Drug may treat mental symptoms of Down syndrome - Yahoo! News


Barnes and Noble Down Syndrome Awareness Storytime

Here are some pics of the Storytime. The reader read the article from the Nat Geo kids as well as a story titled We'll Paint the Octopus Red. After the story, all the kids were given a sheet of an octopus to color whatever color they wanted.

Please excuse most pictures are of Malena. :)


Barnes & Noble Awareness Month - February 2007

All Barnes & Nobles across the nation are sponsoring a Down Syndrome Awareness event. This was prompted due to an article in National Geographic Kids that Melissa Riggio wrote. She is the daughter of one of B&N's CEOs and she happens to have DS. Click here to read her article.

Barnes & Noble is hosting a Down Syndrome Storytime on February 12th at 10:00 am in Riverside at the Tyler Galleria location. Please come and bring your kids to help promote awareness and acceptance!


Take Action To Promote The Down Syndrome Awareness Postage Stamp

Congressman Sessions of Texas and Congressman Langevin of Rhode Island have introduced bill H CON RES 247 which states the importance of a Down Syndrome Awareness Postage Stamp. Such a stamp will need to be approved by the Citizens Stamp Advisory Council, but a bill stating its importance will go a long way toward seeing it actually created! The process of creating, approving and implementing a new stamp can take as long as three years, so the passage of this bill will speed the process along. As parents and friends of people with Down syndrome, you know the importance of Down syndrome awareness! Think about how much awareness we can bring about by having a postage stamp. We all have seen the Breast Cancer Awareness Stamps! This bill needs co-sponsors in order to pass the House of Representatives. This is a bill that all Members would love to co-sponsor! They just need to be made aware! Here is where WE come in. Please follow the links below to help create this stamp!

Love And Learning

Proposed Postage Stamp to Promote Public Awareness of Down Syndrome



Be sure to check our our new chat board at Yahoo Groups! Click on this link to join

Down Syndrome Association of Riverside County West


Happy Holidays!

I wanted to put a quick post up to let everyone know that with the beginning of the new year is starting all the paperwork and plans for the DSARCW. The website should be up and running next week, and I will keep you all posted on the status of our non-profit papers. As always if anyone needs anything or has suggestions please call or email me at I hope everyone had a great Holiday and I look forward to seeing everyone soon! Also, I want to wish Mary, Scott, and Ethan the best of luck on their comming addition. Try not to come before the meeting on Monday!



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